Posted in A Possibility, A whole lot, Accomplishments, Budget Wisely, Celebration, F.R.I.E.N.D.S., Familia, My thoughts


As little as we may know we are officially 5 months away from Christmas. The biggest question would be, Are you ready for another Christmas family/friends gathering? For sure, you would say why not, but deep inside you are reflecting and may even question of what had happened the past Christmases. Believe me, I have and had my share of up’s and down’s but never dampened my spirit. For each year it is totally different somehow the same thing, (You know what I mean).

Anyways, we should always look forward for spending some quality time with the people we loved and cherish those moments for we never know when will be the next gathering to see them again. And God forbids that the next time might be his or her funeral.

Gotta remember life is too short so gotta enjoy the ride. Do not let anyone ruin your moment nor crush your bubbly and uplifting spirit so they can shine with their bitterness.

Budget wisely my friends …..

Posted in A whole lot, Being Senti, F.R.I.E.N.D.S., Familia, It's X-mas Time, My thoughts

2013 Christmas


Another Christmas that I will be missing my Dad. Another year that he is in a much peaceful and better place.

Christmas is not just about gifts but gathering/reunion of loved ones, friends and co-workers. We should not make gifts the center of Christmas instead why we are celebrating it. But then again not every grown-ups willbe able to comprehend, right?

As we are all busy preparing our place for His arrival, may we also offer some prayers for our loved ones who went ahead of us, the sick and needy and for each and everyone.

May we all have a joyous and memorable Christmas!!! Let’s make more memories for a lifetime.

Posted in Being Strong, F.R.I.E.N.D.S., My thoughts, Work Thoughts


As you might wonder with the title, what does PT stands for? Hhhhmmm Physical therapist/therapy? or could be parental teaching? or could be physical tandem? or point  of teaching… Nah, it stands for Public Transportation. 🙂

It’s been years and I have been loving and enjoying taking the public transportation we have here and it’s called the Metro Bus. I have met a lot of people from different walks of life and even shared their problem/solution with them. They have become my different distraction of my daily chaotic life.

Each day going to work I always look for the time and opportunity to get to know them more each day and afternoon commute is with different group of people, more matured and more closer to me. There are mornings that it won’t be complete without seeing them. We discussed things like doctor’s visit, weekend plans and some work stuff.

I used to be so scared and ignorant of how and where to take the bus and of course I gotta learned to take the risk and get the hang of it. Now, I can almost go anywhere I want to as long as the ride permits and the time of course. Taking the bus from where I am is time limited.

Posted in A Possibility, A whole lot, Being Strong, Common Sense, F.R.I.E.N.D.S., Familia, My thoughts, Talking 2 A Wall, Thoughts of Unknown


I am a helpful kind of a person but never did I know that someone can abuse it without me knowingly knowing it. Sucks! Right? I just hated it when you are being helpful to make things better and speed up the process but never in my wildest dream be abused.

Sometimes makes me wonder what were they thinking of doing such an act. Did it helped them and make their lives a little bit easier. A lot of stupid things running through my small brain right now that makes me question their act of kindness according to them.

You help because you wanted to help and not for your own benefit…. Oh Gosh Help!